General terms and conditions of sale / Legal information

As of 01/07/2023

Service provider

The services to assist in obtaining administrative documents are provided by the company __SOCIETE_ whose registered office is at __ADRESSE_ France - SAS with capital of €50,000 registered with the Nantes Trade and Companies Register under the number __IMMAT_. The Website is considered to be one of the __SOCIETE_ sites.


The Customer, also known as the Principal, authorises the Agent, __SOCIETE_, who agrees to incur expenses on the Customer's behalf relating to assistance in obtaining administrative documents for the country or countries covered by this site in the Customer's name (or in the name of a person from whom the Customer has obtained express or legitimate authorisation: legal representative, etc.), such as Visas, online Visas, e-Visas, Electronic Travel Authorisations, passport pre-applications or any term deriving from and relating to the same digital product.

Enforceability of these General Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the services of the __SOCIETE_ sites, including the site on which you are viewing these Terms and Conditions, and all requests made for advice or information about our services. Each enquirer hereby accepts and confirms that prior to submitting an enquiry they have read, understood and agree to be bound, without limitation or qualification, by these Terms and Conditions.

Limitation of liability

These General Terms and Conditions contain a clause which limits our liability to the refund policy set out below. Except where covered by our refund policy below, fees are non-refundable.

You are responsible for the accuracy of the information on your application form and for checking it. We cannot guarantee that we will find any errors, and we will only correct information that is blatantly incorrect or incomplete (incomplete first names, nationality different from that on the scanned passport, etc.).

__SOCIETE_ will treat all applications with care and seriousness, in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the authorities. However, although we will check your application form very carefully for obvious errors of form, we do not guarantee that we will detect any errors in your form, nor do we undertake to check the information provided, for which it is your responsibility to ensure that it is correct.

The __SOCIETE_ shall not be liable to any applicant or any other person relying on or benefiting from any application for any loss of profit, revenue, contract, opportunity, business, additional costs, or any other business or personal loss arising as a result of any delay in issue, digital delivery problem, error in the content of documents supplied by the authorities, or for any advice or information given in connection with any application.

The company __SOCIETE_ will not be held responsible in case of unforeseen changes in the use of documents or services provided by __SOCIETE_ (dates and times of travel, purpose, etc.) and which would make the documents or services provided invalid. The company __SOCIETE_ is also not held responsible for refusals issued by administrations according to their own criteria.

The company __SOCIETE_ cannot be held responsible for the use you make of the information provided on its media. It is your responsibility to check the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the information with the Consulate or Embassy of the country concerned.

We recommend that you keep copies of all documents submitted with your application.

Refund policy

The Customer applies for a document from the Company __SOCIETE_, which acts as a facilitating intermediary between travellers and the government authorities. It should be noted that __SOCIETE_ accepts no responsibility for in the event of delays in issuing documents by the authorities.

Below are the details of the reimbursement policy of the Company __SOCIETE_ :

  • The Customer's document has not been edited for the day of departure : only the service charge will be reimbursed.
  • A refusal by the authorities to draw up a document for the Customerif the refusal is not due to information deliberately omitted or erroneous by the Customer at the time of the request: refund of the entire payment made by the Customer following the request (consular fees + service charges).
  • An error in drawing up the documentIf the Customer is unable to prove the existence of an error, which was not included in the Customer's initial application, and which is proven by the Customer: reimbursement of the entire payment made by the Customer following his application (consular fees + service charges).

In all other cases, the Company __SOCIETE_ will refuse any reimbursement.

In addition, a administrative deduction of €15 (incl. VAT) per payment will be applied in the event of :

  • documents not supplied on time by the Customer so that Société __SOCIETE_ can fully carry out its mission (submission of the Customer's request to the local authorities)
  • incorrect declaration (deliberately incorrect data) when the Customer fills in the document request form
  • existing file lodged by the customer with the authorities or another intermediary in connection with the same trip for which he has mandated the Company __SOCIETE_.
  • file cancelled by the customer after the documents have been sent and checked by the __SOCIETE_ teams, but not yet submitted to the authorities

Refunds, if they comply with one of the cases explained above, are made as follows automatically by the Company __SOCIETE_ for the Customer. It may take up to 10 working days for the sum to appear in the Customer's bank account..

Right of withdrawal

Any order validated on the Website and then cancelled by the Customer by simple email request within 14 days of the order being placed will be reimbursed in full for the total amount including VAT. A standard form is available at this address and must be sent by email, in response to the acknowledgement of payment received.

However, any order validated on the Website and then cancelled by the Customer after the application has been submitted to the authorities of a country will not be reimbursed, given the non-refundable administrative costs incurred, including in the event that the documents are not used at a later date (Article L221-25 of the Consumer Code).

The refund is initiated within 48 hours of the withdrawal request in the cases explained above. It may take up to 10 working days for the sum to appear in the customer's bank account.

Changes to procedures and charges

The procedures and fees of the Administrations for the processing of all services are outside the control of the company __SOCIETE_ and are subject to change without notice; in some cases, these changes may apply retroactively to requests being processed. The company __SOCIETE_ does not accept responsibility for such changes in procedures or pricing, and reserves the right to pass on any increase in rates.

Rates and payment methods

Prices are quoted inclusive of all taxes. All requests must be paid in cash on receipt of your request, unless otherwise agreed with __SOCIETE_.

The company __SOCIETE_ retains the option, in the event that no payment is attached to purely and simply cancel the request. For the requests in number, it will be accepted different modality only with the agreement of the direction of __SOCIETE_.

Only payment by secure bank card is accepted on the __SOCIETE_ sites, which will choose the most secure system possible to guarantee its customers' data.


__SOCIETE_, in its capacity as associate member of __MEDIATEUR_, benefits from the mediation services of the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman.

After contacting Customer Service by email, and if there is no satisfactory response or no response within 60 days, the customer may refer the matter free of charge to the Tourism and Travel OmbudsmanIts contact details and how to contact it are available on its website:

Customer data processing

The company __SOCIETE_ undertakes not to market or sell the personal information of applicants. The company __SOCIETE_ will not disclose or transfer the personal information of applicants. Personal information will be used for the sole purpose of providing the services and fulfilling its various obligations..

However, the company __SOCIETE_ may be required to disclose and share personal information, if necessary, to comply with a court order, or any other legal process, legislative or regulatory served on the company __SOCIETE_, to exercise its rights, to defend against claims, criminal investigations, court cases, or for their prevention, in the investigation, detection, prosecution of criminal activities or matters related to national security.

The company __SOCIETE_ shall not be held liable in the event of illicit access, use, modification, destruction or interception by unauthorised persons.

The content and use of this data, as well as access to it by the Customer, are described in the Privacy Policy.

Privacy policy

Use of our services implies acceptance of the Privacy Policy, detailed on this page.

Partial nullity

If one or more stipulations of these General Terms and Conditions are deemed unlawful or invalid, the other stipulations of these General Terms and Conditions will not be affected by this invalidity and will continue to apply.

The relationship between __SOCIETE_ and its customers is governed by French law.

Site host

The __SOCIETE_ websites, including the one on which you are consulting these terms and conditions, are hosted by Infomaniak - 25 rue Eugène-Marziano 1227 Les Acacias (Switzerland), which can be contacted on +41.22.820.35.44.

Contact us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or the practices described in this document, please write to contact@getnzeta.comor contact us on __TEL_. Please send your communications to our manager __NOM_.